Is Non Vegetarian food good or bad for health? | SCIENTIFIC TRUTH about MEAT – BeerBiceps Diet

Is non-vegetarian food permitted or prohibited for a human being? That’s the age old question. Is meat healthy or unhealthy?
I say this in every video, but I’ll say it again. As Indians, most of us have VERY wrong ideas about correct nutrition. I remember when I was fat and more importantly, WHEN I DIDN’T HAVE GUIDANCE, I assumed that to become thin I should give up meat. Without actually knowing the science of dieting and nutrition, I jumped to that conclusion because like most of you, I grew up in a regular Indian household. All my life, I was told that too much non veg is unhealthy and too much protein will give me kidney stones. Fortunately, I was shown the correct path, thanks to my coaches.
Now, I eat some form of non veg in every single meal and trust me, both in terms of health and muscle mass, I’m in the best possible shape. I get my blood tested regularly and since I’ve began this hyper-protein diet, my health (cholesterol, uric acid, etc) just keeps getting better every year.
But I still get lectured often about how I’m destroying my insides. Invariably, these accusations come from people who themselves are unhealthy or have never entered a gym in their lives. But I cant blame them. I had great guidance for my diet plan. They don’t. That’s the motivation behind today’s video. All I’m trying to do is spread CORRECT knowledge. In my opinion, its essential for every non vegetarian to watch this video, TILL THE END.Figure out for yourself – is animal protein good or bad?
For all you vegetarians, I will soon be doing a similar video for the average Indian vegetarian diet. This video isn’t made to offend you guys. Its only made so that every meat eater in the country is educated better about how they can potentially help their own bodies. So watch out for my INDIAN VEGETARIAN DIET video soon. Enjoy ☺
Is is meat good for you? Or is meat unhealthy? Watch and find out

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